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The item 'Versuch' of type text has been modified by user 'factline' on 28 Oct. 2010 15:25.Versuch15 y.factline1538180.328 Oct. 2010 15:25
The item 'Gesellschaften' of type Folder has been modified by user 'factline1' on 01 Oct. 2010 18:13.Gesellschaften15 y.factline11445857.101 Oct. 2010 18:13
The item 'susi sorglos AG' of type Folder has been modified by user 'maxharn' on 01 Oct. 2010 18:08.susi sorglos AG15 y.maxharn1445864.101 Oct. 2010 18:08
The item 'AR Protokoll' of type Folder has been modified by user 'maxharn' on 01 Oct. 2010 18:06.AR Protokoll15 y.maxharn1445872.101 Oct. 2010 18:06
A new item 'xxxx' of type text has been created by user 'maxharn' on 01 Oct. 2010 18:06.xxxx15 y.maxharn1528892.101 Oct. 2010 18:06
A new item 'weqwer' of type text has been created by user 'maxharn' on 01 Oct. 2010 17:43.weqwer15 y.maxharn1528887.101 Oct. 2010 17:43
A new item 'sdafsadf' of type text has been created by user 'maxharn' on 01 Oct. 2010 17:42.sdafsadf15 y.maxharn1528882.101 Oct. 2010 17:42
A new item 'tierptoserö' of type text has been created by user 'maxharn' on 01 Oct. 2010 17:40.tierptoserö15 y.maxharn1528876.101 Oct. 2010 17:40
A new item 'Müller & Co KG' of type Folder has been created by user 'factline' on 10 Mar. 2010 12:06.Müller & Co KG15 y.factline1445871.110 Mar. 2010 12:06
A new item 'MH_cv_lebenslauf_eng_091120_mh.pdf' of type file has been created by user 'factline' on 10 Mar. 2010 12:03.MH_cv_lebenslauf_eng_091120_mh.pdf15 y.factline1445866.110 Mar. 2010 12:03
The item 'Schriftstücke' of type Folder has been modified by user 'factline' on 10 Mar. 2010 12:00.Schriftstücke15 y.factline1445856.110 Mar. 2010 12:00