poseidon http://poseidon-partnership.factlink.net/158627.23
10 Jan. 2025; 19:02
Partnership on socio-economic and integrated development of deprived neighbourhoods
POSEIDON – partnership on neighbourhood management or area management
Area or neighbourhood management is a strategic approach that ideally forms part of a broader urban development concept. It aims at the systematic establishment of sustainable local structures in order to develop these areas in social and economic terms. Area or neighbourhood management mainly concentrates on co-ordination, moderation and brokerage of different local interests, and may be considered the driving force that motivates local stakeholders to participate actively and self-responsibly within the process of social and economic development of their immediate neighbourhood.

POSEIDON – interregional partnership
The POSEIDON interregional activities and exchange took place in each partner area and were implemented during 3 subsequent project phases.

PWG April 2005 Vienna - 197015.1

January 2004 - June 2004: Phase I focused on an initial exchange of experience with regard to the 3 common co-operation themes.

July 2004 - June 2005: Phase II concentrated on designing model approaches or practical policy recommendations for commonly shared problems and on preparing local pilot activities that were implemented in each area.

July 2005 - December 2006: Phase III concentrated on practically implementing local pilot actions, and on realising an interregional evaluation exercise regarding the implementation of local projects.

www.POSEIDON-partnership.net – virtual partnership
The POSEIDON website is a platform and thematic forum dealing with new concepts of neighbourhood management policies and is open to other urban initiatives and new ideas, to be practically linked to other networks with the aim of expanding into a wider network of interest.