


other words for "well grounded" |
gamsrieglera |
13 Sep. 05; 10:51 |
214317.1 |
I'm afraid "well grounded" does not make any sense in English (At least, I have never heard it before.).
Maybe you meant "well established", "sound standing", "crystal clear", "well founded" or something like that?
MH agrees |
maxharn |
13 Sep. 05; 09:24 |
214292.1 |
I think, we are using the term so often, it whould be very good to have it defined [I wanted to write "well grounded" but I am not sure, if this makes any sense in english, does it?]
Angela disagrees |
gamsrieglera |
12 Sep. 05; 14:05 |
214223.1 |
I actually disagree! I don't see why we need this term in our glossary.
Include "kontextualisieren" in the glossary? |
gamsrieglera |
12 Sep. 05; 14:05 |
214222.1 |
I would like to include the term "kontextualisieren" in our glossary.
Do you agree?
kontextualisieren |
gamsrieglera |
12 Sep. 05; 14:04 |
214221.1 |
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