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Adapt service lists

In the service repositories and the structure, content is displayed in lists. You can adapt the organisation of these lists according to your wishes.


|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Define list columns".

|3| Click on the "list"-button next to the desired service. (If you choose the service "Structure", continue with chapter List View in Structure (Thumbnail list))

|4| The following table shows you all data available for display.

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|5| Decide which data (e.g. icon, title, infoID,...) should be displayed in the service list by clicking in the checkboxes in the column "Show?".

|6| In the column "Visible for" you can specify which user groups should see the individual columns (e.g. everyone, logged in users only,...).

|7| Moreover, you can adapt the display of the columns:

Min width in px Determines minimum width of the column.
Max characters How many characters should be displayed at most?
Word wrap?

Entries which exceed the minimum column width will be displayed in several rows.

Determines the alignment (e.g. left, right) of entries in the column.
Determines the alignment (e.g. top, bottom) of entries in the row.
Sort asc
The list is sorted ascendingly by the column you choose.
Sort desc
The list is sorted descendingly by the column you choose.


|8| The column "Move" on the left side allows you to change the order of the columns in the list.

|9| Finally, you can choose how many facts should be displayed in the list at once. Moreover, you can hide the header of the columns.

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|10| In order to submit your settings, click on "Save changes".

Author: Angela Gamsriegler, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (factline2)
factID: 210534.8 (...history); published on 24 Aug. 2007 10:35
Referers (1):
table of contents23 Nov. 2009