Sākums > Struktūra > English > Manuals > User Maunal > Create Content > Link to an Internet address (URL)
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Link to an Internet address (URL)

There are 2 possibilities to create a link to an Internet address:

A) In a TinyME editor


             (1) Highlight a word you want to link.

             (2) Now, click on the button Link_icon - 1121073.1.

             (3) A pop-up window opens. Enter the URL of the website and click on "OK".

B) In text or HTML mode:

If you want to link to a website, use the following syntax:
<a href="http://www.factline.com/">Link title</a>

You can specify that the link should be opened in a new window:
<a href="http://www.factline.com/ "target="_blank">Link title</a>


Autors: Shaun Geisert, CK; Copyright: factline Webserivces GmbH; Publicēja: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
infoID: 122134.16 (...Arhīvs); Publicēts 26 Jul. 2010 17:05
Referers (2):
table of contents05 Mar. 2014
Create links25 Aug. 2010