Working on the platform with the "Mandatory Secondary Location Option":
Let's assume we have folder MAIN that has in the new field the ID of the folder SECONDARY: -
In the display view of folder MAIN there is a filter at the top,
containing all sub-folders (hierarchically) of the SECONDARY folder..
when one is selected, only items in MAIN are shown, that have a shortcut in
the selected folder (or below). - In the display view of
folder MAIN there is an additional column "secondary location"
displaying the title of the sub-folder from SECONDARY where there is a
shortcut to the fact. -
When creating a fact inside MAIN, you will be asked to select one of
the subfolders of SECONDARY, firstly. When the fact is created
afterwards, a
second shortcut will be created there automatically.  - The
Mandatory Secondary Location is herited, which means, if a parent
folder has that option, the filter appears for all subfolders. When
anything is created in a subfolder, the rules above apply (eg. user has
to choose the secondary). - When a filter is used, there should be an additional checkbox that enables the
user to "flatten" the folder thus displaying all itmes from all
subfolders below, filtered by that specifric filter. This will be a
special view of the folder, in which no edit controls are visible.