
1961 born on 27 October in Strass, Austria. 1982-84 Master School of Painting in Graz, Austria. 1984-92 Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria: classes of Maria Lassnig, Hubert Schmalix, C.L. Attersee. Diploma received in January, 1992. Photography: classes of Friedl Kubelka-Bondy and Rudi Molacek Eastern Academy of Photography. Director's Seminar held by Peter Greenaway in Münster, Germany (May, 1991). 1992/93 Academy of Arts in Münster, Germany: class of Timm Ulrichs (sculpture, conceptional arts). 1993 Viennese projects on arts and therapy at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna held by Dr. Karl-Heinz Menzen. 1993/94 Research scholarship in Thailand. 1994/95 Academy of Plastic Arts in Vienna: class of Michelangelo Pistoletto (sculpture). Exhibitions (Excerpt) 1990 ' 25th International Weeks of Painting' at the New Gallery of the Joanneum in Graz, Austria. 1991 'Impressionen 1990' at the Society of Art Kufstein, Inngalerie. 1992 'Spektakel 92', Video Screening/Live Performance at the Opera in Essen, Germany. 1993 'yellow, magenta, cyan' at the Urania Photo Gallery in Graz, Austria. Exhibition Foster Award for Contemporary Arts at the New Gallery in Graz, Austria. 'Zierschlacht' at the Museum of Military History in Vienna, Austria. Exhibition at the Museum of Fairytales, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany. Symposium of artists 'Lamparna 93' in Labin, Croatia. 1994 'Alpha Black and White' at the National Gallery in Bangkok, Thailand. Sculpture in Public Area at the Tapae Gate in Chiang Mai, Thailand. 1995 'monument', Sculpture in Public Area in Mauthausen, Austria. 'object & food', 'progetto arte', 'to be continued' at the Academy of Plastic Arts in Vienna, Austria. 1996 'B.Y.O.P.' at the Office of Communications in Vienna, Austria. 1998 'HeArt Attack' at Nell's in Vienna, Austria. 1999 Exhibition at Café Kultur in Vienna, Austria. 1999/2000 'Insurgentes' in Mexico. Fostered by the Office of the Federal Chancellor. 2000 'SOHO in Ottakring' in Vienna, Austria. Works for the European Museum of Peace, Schlaining Castle, Burgenländische Landesausstellung. 'Transart 2000' in Labin, Croatia. 2001 'SOHO in Ottakring' in Vienna, Austria. 2002 'Tango', Büro für Weltausstellung in Vienna, Austria. 2003 Technisches Museum in Vienna, Austria. 2004 "Europe Now" - Installation "Kunst?-Baustelle Europa", Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art (MAK) in Vienna, Austria. Moscow - "Art Moscow 04", Performance/Video; St. Petersburg - Anna Achmatova Museum, Video Presentation Moscow/Kliazma - "ArtKliazma04", Installation/Performance/Video Vienna - "serious pop", Video Documentation/Performance/Installation
