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Authorization System
Why permissions?
An intelligent permissioning system allows platform administrators and users to control, who should be permitted to access services and to view or create and edit information.

The Hierarchy:
For every factline Community Server (the server on which your platform runs), there is a system administrator („Sadmin“), one or several platform administrators („pAdmin“) and one or several write-permitted users.
infoIf factline is used as the application service provider (ASP), the system runs on a server powered by factline. In this case, factline takes over the tasks of the Sadmin.
The Sadmin defines for each platform a group of platform administrators, who again specify which groups of users may enter the different services. Finally every user can assign write and read permissions for every piece of information (fact) they create.

Read Permission ("read"):Read-permitted groups can read, but not work on or hide text.
Write Permission („modify“):Write-permitted groups can write, work on, or delete text.

With the creation of a forum there is still a third option:

Post Permission („post“):In the case of the forum, users don’t have the possibility of deleting or altering the title. Here it is possible to exclusively answer a posting.

Assigning Permission:
Read and write permissions will be assigned when providing and/or editing information. In the entry form you choose between the options “standard” (assumes the permissions from the next level up) and “advanced” (individual assignment of permissions):

For further explanation, see (-> "permissions").

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