Economic area Vienna-Bratislava
Bilingual platform for the economic area Vienna-Bratislava. The platform is managed by the department for foreign trade of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. It provides users with extensive information as well as the possibility to search for business partners.
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Business cooperation Slovakia - Austria
The bilingual cooperation platform is intended to support companies from neighboring regions of Austria and Slovakia during the search for suitable business partners.
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POSEIDON - Partnership
EU-Project on regional neighbourhood management with 6 national partners. At first, existing methods and experiences are exchanged. Subsequently, new developments are encouraged.
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Since March 2004, FHW (University of Applied Sciences for Economics) has been using factline Community Server as a communication platform for students as well as for lecturers.
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FHIB Eisenstadt
Since 2001, we have intensified our contact with the University of Applied Sciences for "Information & Knowledge Management" in Eisenstadt: lectures, traineeship, coaching student's projects,...
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NOMAD-theatre deals with the development of contemporary forms of communication and expression.
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LABfactory is an interactive (art)room as well as a co-operation platform for actors, artists, groups and organisations.
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Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft Vienna, Lower Austria
VWG offers business training programmes for schools and companies. Among their target groups are teachers, students, managers and apprentices.
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Pilot project with a group of students to assist the implementation of the new bachelor programme. |
Pimex Network
Pimex Network is working on a common strategy concerning the development of the PIMEX method as a part of a new prevention policy.
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Ärzte ohne Grenzen
The aid organization that constructs information - and is a communicationhub for the exchange between employees in foreign assignments.
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Zentrum für Translationswissenschaft
The Center for Translation Science (ZTW) the University of Vienna plans, all individual students have E-Portfolios at their disposal. A server (seperate) was installed and started the first Pilot project.
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TAVR The Technical Academic Vienna Region (TAVR) uses the factline Platform to aid in organizing hard for find information for the their communication project. more

Smart Information Systems The factline Platform was introduced here for the fields of: Research & Development, Human Resources, Marketing and sales, Record Keeping Documentation, Management of Record Keeping, and for the communication within the company. more
Notar Dr. Schweinhammer
Based on FCS, a customer platform was created for notary Dr. Schweinhammer.
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Del Fabro customer platform
Based on FCS, a combination of a website and a customer platform was created for the beverage wholesaler Del Fabro.
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Kier Communication Consultants GmbH combines information pools for co-workers and partners, here they used the factline Plattform. At long-term clients upstanding relationships to assist and to retain, became an area for arranged client projects. |