Within the European Forum Alpbach from August 24th to August 27th the art installation "LIVING SEMANTICS" was displayed. This Project came from within factline from sem'base (Semantic Knowledge Base), an accompanied measure to Förderprogramm FIT-IT the BMVIT, initiated and jointly converted with the APA - ZuknftWissen and the artist Max Frey. The Light Installation The Keynote of the Project "LIVING SEMANTICS " were trendsetting research themes and their analyzed nucleus reception over the course of the last year, and in unexpected Form to visualize. The generated map of knowledge was therefore over analyzed and visible between stations for abstract light paintings in the projected room. For this purpose the map of knowledge was depicted on board, over on the other hand current rotor impulses were able to perform as well. The rotors revolving light diodes assembled with rotor blades eject multicolored light impulses - in dependence of the board. The installation was opened during Thursday evening (August 24) of the Alpbacher Technology Seminar through principal Mag. Reinhard Goebl, BMVIT,

"LIVING SEMANTICS" in the Media "LIVING SEMANTICS" showing widespread Media response. Detailed reports available at DerStandard.at and ORF ON over the Projects performance.
"Wissenslandkarten zur Erleichterung der Informationssuche", Der Standard, 24.08.2006
"Verfeinerte Suche in riesigen Datenmengen", ORF ON, 25.08.2006
Press Mailings
"LIVING SEMANTICS "erleuchtet" Alpbacher Technologiegespräche", APA OTS, 24.08.2006
Other Links
sem'base (Semantic Knowledge Base)
Europäisches Forum Alpbach