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Permissioning System
An intelligent permissioning system allows platform administrators and users to control, who should be permitted to access services and to view or create and edit information.

The Hierarchy:

For each factline Community Server (the Server that runs your platform), there is one system administrator ("sadmin"), one or more platform administrators ("padmin") and one or more write permitted Users.
infoIf factline acts as an Application Service Povider (ASP), factline maintains the respective server (and is thus sadmin).
The sadmin defines a group of platform administrators for each platform. The latter again predefines, which Group/s of users should have access to which services. Users themselves decide for each item of information they create or edit, which group of users should be able to read and/or write:

read permission: Read permitted groups can only read, but neither change nor delete.

write permission: Write permitted groups can create, edit and delete information.

Setting permissions:
Setting read and write permissions is done while creating resp. editing the information. In the entry mask two options are offered: "standard" (you take over the permissions set on the next higher level, eg folder or service) or "advanced" (you decide choose, which groups should be permitted). Please see also the explanation to the according field in the entry mask: (-> field "permissions").

Author: Hella Dietz; Copyright: factline; Published by: Hella Dietz (Hella)
factID: 109568.1; published on 23 Apr. 2002 14:36
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