display="icon, title, link, text, other data, metainfo"
Schreiben Sie die Factkomponenten, die beim factinclude angezeigt werden sollen, aufgeteilt mit Komma.
Vorsicht: Damit dieser Parameter korrekt funktionieren kann, dürfen Sie keine Leerstellen zwischen den Anführungszeichen und die Kommas stellen.
editinclude="1" or editinclude="0"
The included fact can(value 1) or cannot(value 0) be edited from the fact in which it is included.
nocomment="1" or nocomment="0"
When editinclude="1", you can specify if to display the comments(value 0) of the included fact or not(value 1).
Attention: if editinclude="0", nocomment will take no effect, no matter what value do you assign to it!
nobreak="1" or nobreak="0"
There is no (by using of value 1) or there is (by using of value 0) a blank line between the included fact and the rest of the fact (e.g. another included fact).
You can set the maximum length of the included fact with cuttitle. In the example above if the title of the included fact is longer than 15 characters only the first 15 characters will be shown.
Metainfo anzeigen
Author: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices (factline5) factID: 1467952.3 (...history); published on 18 May. 2010 14:41