
k o n T E X T l a b 14
Lela :: codes
| Do. 12.04.07
20:00 Uhr LABfactory |
:: an investigation that arises from the desire to elucidate certain questions to transform research into a useful knowledge reserve to all those people worried about inequalities among genders and for people oriented to social and political transformation.
:: a space to rethink technology and its representations, its connection with the body and subjectivities and its relation with new forms of production, work, affections, identities, knowledge, desires, feelings, actions...
:: a study that comes from the analysis of data, information and existing research at an international level and that approaches real and everyday practices.
:: a research that wants to echo projects, iniciatives, personal and collective practices in relation with technologies, but above all from womyn who currently participate and develop tools for information and communication tecnologies.
:: a critical attitude because we want to know and have access to the running and mechanisms of the tools which we work with. For that reason we opt to use free software, open tools that facilitate collective learning and give autonomy in collaborative work and with the machines.
:: a creation that is spread under free licences because we believe that freely sharing and distributing information and knowledge facilitates social and political transformation
:: an interest to identify attitudes, representations and practices that discriminate womyn in the world of ICT from the experience of womyn that have managed to overcome those inequalities.
:: a visual, sonorous and cartographical path of the route, actions, looks and reports as an active political work form.
:: a way to entangle us more...more...and more
[ SOURCE: http://donestech.net/?q=node/256 
