After you have clicked on "preview" (see chapter ""), your platform will look similar to the image below.
A fact is exclusively visible to you until you click on "publish" (see number 1).
The version number of the infoID shows "edit" (see number 2).
Click on "publish" (see number 1), in order to enable all permitted users (see chapter "Assign permissions to groups") to view the fact.
Click on "edit" (see number 3), to make changes.
The fact is now visible to all permitted users.
If the feature "guarantee of existence" is
activated on your platform, you will be asked to aissign a guarantee of
existence for the fact (see chapter "Set guarantee of existence (GOE)").
At the bottom of the fact, you can see the name of the user who
published it. The system automatically registers the name of the logged
in user. Each time the fact is edited and newly published, the name of
the publisher is indicated next to the "Published by" info text below
the fact.

Different author - publisher. The
publisher is the person who types in the text. Sometimes, publisher and
author are different persons. In these cases, the field "Author" can be
used to type in the name of the actual author, which will be displayed
below the fact next to the "Author" info text.