There is the possibility to assign a Guarantee Of Existence (GOE) to facts of an FCS platform. This option is available only after the System administrator ("s-admin") has activated it and has set a specific GOE limit. Before the first fact can get a Guarantee of Existence, the Platform administrator ("p-admin") must take the following steps:
|1| Click in the main menu on Guarantee.
You see the starting page of the selected mode. The pre-settings provide the simple mode. If you want to change the mode, click on the switch mode button in the top middle.
|2| Choose between the two modes:
In advanced mode you can decide individually which user groups can assign Guarantee Of Existence for their facts. |
or |
In simple mode you fix a GOE date that is assigned automatically for every new fact that is created.
|3| The first time go through all of the steps in consecutive order:

Whether a fact has a guarantee of existence or not you will find in the meta information eines facts.
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