
Opening: Fluc 
program of the day:
Opening - Storming >Fortress and Favella<

presentation of the book:
>>Gestürmte Festung Europa<<[Assaulted Fortress Europe] Corinna Milborn (Journalist, Vienna)

The laboratory starts with the motto Opening up Being Taken by Storm with the presentation of Corinna Milborns book Gestürmte Festung Europa( Fortress Europe Taken by Storm), linked with the urging and current discourse about Europes sealing-off from the migration flows setting out from the southern hemisphere (examples: Ceuta and Melilla).

film lecture :
>>Die Königinnen vom Salgueiro
haben relative Bürgerrechte<<
[The Queens of Salgueiro]
Silvia Santangelo Jura (Ethnologist, film maker, Vienna) |

As a token of opening up, Silvia Santangelo Juras documentary about a vocational training project for girls in one of the biggest favelas in Rio de Janeiro answers to the taking of Europe by storm.

film program:
>>Die KönigInnen vom Salgueiro haben relative Bürgerrechte<< (Silvia Santangelo Jura) >>Three cents<< (Ulli Gladik) >>Sans papiers<< ( David Rych, Tanja Ostojic)
