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How can I post a message in the Forum?

1) Log in. If you still haven’t done so, please register.

2) Open a forum and now you have the possibility to write a message to a topic, or to create a brand new topic.

Explaining the hierarchy of a forum:

Forum: Highest-level title, with a short description
Topics/Themes: Divides the main title into sub-titles
Messages/Postings: Individual messages and/or answers

3a) If you want to write a posting inside an existing topic:
Click on the title of the posting that you wish to comment on. Scroll down to the end of the page.

3b) If you want to begin a brand new topic:
Click in the left column (options are) on “create a new topic”

4) Enter your text in the presented fields.

5) Click on “Reply” and/or “Add” to save your input.


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Author: Diana Filipova, CK; Copyright: factline; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (dokspace2)
factID: 147414.4 (...history); published on 10 Sep. 2007 09:35
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