References II
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| AG Frauen in den Medien NOEL NOEL (New Opportunities for
Equality in Lower Austria) deals with the search for new ways and
possibilities for virtual co-operation. Focus is on gender correctness
in language, women's perspective and their honorary activities as well
as their activities in the service sector.
visit the platform | |
| SPIN-TN The thematic network "SPIN-TN" generates strategies
for the development of European inland waterway traffic. FCS serves the
network as a communication hub.
visit the platform | |
Project platform and website for the discussion forum KOMMUNIKATE.
visit the platform | |
| Apitherapy
This platform informs about apitherapy, recent developments in this area and projects of the
national park "Bienenwirte WABE".
visit the platform | |
| Die Marchfeldschrammeln
Website of the "Marchfeldschrammeln". This ensemble plays classical Viennese
music in the traditional Schrammel-instrumentation.
visit the platform | |
| ASC Wien
The Academic Skiclub of Vienna manages its internal and external communication with an factline-platform.
visit the platform | |

| Institut für Logotherapie
The institute uses an factline-platform for virtual support for the vocational training programme "Logotherapie".
visit the platform | |
| TOP - True Online Publishing
On this platform, Mag.(FH) Sebastian Udulutsch presents his diploma thesis
about the "TOP" (True Online Publishing) concept of factline.
visit the platform | |
 | Chat Themenplattform
A platform about the scientific debate on using chat in business surroundings.
Among other things, all conversations of the Chat Symposium 2003 are collected.
visit the platform | |
| Navreme
A project platform for the scientific network "Navreme knowledge development".
visit the platform | |
| Willi Dungl Marketing
Willi Dungl Marketing uses FCS as a team platform to support communication between geographically separated team members.
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| Wietasch & Partner Werkstatt für Kundenerfolg - the
international team for human ressources and organizational development
uses FCS for various coaching programs. | |
| Kviecien
OH Services
Organization of the "One Health Forum", a platform centered around the topic of health promotion.
visit the platform | |
 | Provincial Government of Lower Austria
factchat, created on behalf of the Woman's Department at the federal office of the provincial government of Lower Austria.
visit the website | |
| Widhalm Consulting Widhalm offers consulting and services
for data management, trademark right, information procurement as well
as project consulting for EU-projects.
visit the platform | |
| High Potential Network
High Potential Network serves as an active and coordinating interface for young and successful people
all around the world.
visit the platform | |
| EUROCARE 2000 Support for funding
European Project on Conservation - Restoration - Maintenance
visit the platform | |
| Weikom & Network
factline made the design and layout for the website of Weikom & Network.
visit the website | |
| GPI S.A.
The realization of, at present, six internal project platforms (not publicly accessible). | |