In 2002, the
department for foreign trade of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
created a bilingual information and cooperation platform for small and
medium-sized companies in order to foster the economic area
Vienna-Bratislava (see Economic area Vienna-Bratislava).
Due to the success of the cooperation platform the Economic Chambers
of: Burgenland, Lower Austria, Vienna, Bratislava, and Trnava initiated a
follow-up project. This project deals with the extension of the offer
of the platform Vienna-Bratislava.
A cooperation platform which supports companies from neighboring
regions of Austria and Slovakia during the search for business partners
was created. The result is the business cooperation platform Slovakia -

A major challenge
of the project was to make the existing offer of the cooperation
platform Vienna-Bratislava available on the new platform.
responsible for the project:
Max Harnoncourt
visit the platform