<div align="center">centered text </div>
<div align="left">left aligned text </div>
<div align="right">right aligned text </div>
<div align="justify">verylong justified text, different justified text, verylong justified text, different justified text </div>
centered text
left aligned text
right aligned text
verylong justified text, different justified text, verylong justified text, different justified text
font size:
normal text
<font size ="+1">text that is 20 units bigger than normal text</font>
<font size ="-1">text that is 20 units smaller than normal text </font>
normal text
text that is 20 units bigger than normal text
text that is 20 units smaller than normal text
In html-code colors are discribed as hexadecimal values. Each hexadecimal color consists of six figures.
Hexadecimal figures are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. You can mix the different colors with this values.
The first two digits of any color define the red-value of the color, the second two figures define the green-value and the last two figueres define the blue-value.