Max Harnoncourt - Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
telephone: +43-1-218 85 03-18, mobile: +43-699-1500 44 04
fax: +43-1-218 85 02
M.A. Max Harnonocourt was born on 14 May, 1971 in Graz. He studied "Business Administration" at the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna, where he specialized in "Information Management and Informatics". He finished his studies in 1995. Afterwards, he continued to work for the news agency "Reuters". In 1997 he started to build an agency for sustainable development ("proCourage").
A project concerning the creation of a web-based information and discussion platform for renewable energy gave rise to the idea of developing a standard solution for web-based knowledge communities. Subsequently, factline Webservices GmbH was founded.
As CEO of factline, Max Harnoncourt is responsible for the business area "distributed project communication".
Krisper-Ullyett L., Harnoncourt M., Meinl P. (2005): Keys to success for virtual, self-organising learning communities. In: Proceedigns of the conference "Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) 2005", Dresden, 6. - 7. October 2005.
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Meinl P., Harnoncourt M., Krisper-Ullyett L. (2005): Guarantee of existence for online information as a precondition for hyperlinked e-portfolios. In: Auer M., Auer U. (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning Villach 2005. Kassel: Kassel University Press.
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Rußmann U., Seethaler, U., Harnoncourt M. (2005): Gender specific barriers of access in internetbased network communication. In: Ernst S., Warwas J., Kirsch-Anwärter E. (Ed.), Wissenstransform in gleichstellungsorientierten Netzwerken. Münster: LIT.
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Harnoncourt M., Meinl P., Krisper-Ullyett L. (2004): Guarantee of existence for digital information and its significance for webbased knowledge work. In: Reich S. (Ed.), Tagungsband des 1. Österreichischen Symposiums zum Thema Digital Content Engineering - Content-Plattformen in Theorie und Praxis Salzburg. Linz: Trauner.
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Meinl P., Harnoncourt M. (2004): Distributed knowledge work: Environment for Smart Workers. In: Computerwelt 18-19, p. 27. Vienna: Info Technologie.
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Harnoncourt M., Holzhauser A., Meinl P., Seethaler U. (2003): Referencing as a key to an efficient chat. In: Beißwenger M. (Ed.), Chat-Kommunikation in Beruf, Bildung und Medien: Konzepte - Werkzeuge - Anwendungsfelder. Stuttgart: ibidem.
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Harnoncourt M. (2001): Can chat be effective? [2001-12-30]. Available: http://www.electronic-business.at/FAQ/306.html
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