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Platform administrator ("p-admin")

After the initial set up of the platform by the s-admin, it is the p-admin’s turn to begin to take control.

At this point, no one can put content on the platform, not even the p-admin himself. The tasks and responsibilities of the p-admin are described in detail in the p-admin manual.

info3 - 125057.2
A future platform administrator has to register like all normal users. Afterwards, the s-admin of the new platform can define users as p-admins.

Автор: Astrid Holzhauser; Авторско право: factline Webservices GmbH; Публикиван от: Angela Gamsriegler (gamsrieglera)
InfoID: 115710.12 (...версии); публикуван на: 22 Nov. 2006 13:24
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