Del Fabro customer platform
Based on FCS, a combination of a website and a customer platform was created for the beverage wholesaler Del Fabro. visit the platform
Business cooperation Slovakia - Austria
The bilingual cooperation platform is intended to support companies
from neighboring regions of Austria and Slovakia during the search for
suitable business partners. [more...]
Notar Dr. Schweinhammer
Based on FCS, a customer platform was created for notary Dr. Schweinhammer. visit the platform
Kier Communication Consultants GmbH
combines information pools for co-workers and partners, here they used the factline Plattform. At long-term clients upstanding relationships to assist and to retain, became an area for arranged client projects.
NOMAD-theatre deals with the development of contemporary forms of communication and expression. [more...]
POSEIDON - Partnership
EU-Projekt über regionales Nachbarschafts-
management mit 6 interregionalen Partnern. In einem ersten Schritt werden bestehende Taktiken und Erfahrungen ausgetauscht und weiterentwickelt, um im Anschluss auch neue Entwicklungen fördern zu können. [mehr...]
Max Well Fashion Trading GmbH
Based on the factline platrom a platform for the exquisit clientele of Max Well Fashion was designed