a Reuters/Dow Jones Venture
Content licensing and support in 24 countries: A German speaking area, central and east-central
Europe, Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union. |
Salzburg Research
The scientific instiution of the federal state Salzburg uses an owned FCS-Server for eLearning
projects, internal communication and backoffice.[-> see platform]
High Potential Network
High Potential Network serves as an active and coordinating interface for young and successful people
all around the world. [-> see platform]
EUROCARE 2000 Support for Funding
European Project on Conservation - Restoration - Maintenance [-> see platform]
Institute for Communication Science at the University of Vienna
The insitiute uses FCS-Server for tutorials.
Department of Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Univ.-Doz.Dr.sc.oec.Petra Rietsch uses a FCS platform for supporting her students [-> see platform]
Circle of Excellence Portal
A virtual community of practice for instructors of the FHS Informationsberufe in Eisenstadt
[-> see platform]
teco7 training
A platform and community about new training methods developed for young athletes (supported by UEFA).
[-> see platform]
Notar Dr. Schweinhammer
Based on FCS, a customer platform was created for a notary public, Dr. Schweinhammer. [-> see platform]
The thematic network "SPIN-TN" generates strategies for the development of European inland waterway traffic. FCS serves the network as a communication hub.
This platform informs about apitherapy, recent developments in this area and projects from the
the national park "Bienenwirte WABE". [-> see platform]
CMT Austria
CMT-Austria is a specialized community of interest for patients with inherited Polyneuropatie (CMT = Charcot-Marie-Tooth).[-> see platform]
Del Fabro customerplatform
Based on FCS, a combined website and a customer platform was created for the beverage wholesaler. [-> see platform] |
Die Marchfeldschrammeln
Website of "Marchfeldschrammeln". This ensemble plays classical Viennese
music in the traditional Schrammel-instrumentation.[-> see platform]
ASC Wien
The Academic Schiclub of Vienna manages its internal and external communication with FCS platform [-> see platform]
Institut für Logotherapie
Uses a FCS-Plattform for virtual support for the in-service training "Logotherapie".
[-> see platform] |
A project platform and website for the discussion forum KOMMUNIKATE.[-> see platform] |
TOP - True Online Publishing
On this platform, Mag.(FH) Sebastian Udulutsch presents his diploma thesis
about the TOP concept of factline. [-> see platform]
Chat Themenplattform
A platform about the scentific argument concerning internet chat in business surroundings.
Among other things, all conversations of the Chat Symposiums 2003 are collected. [-> see platform]
more references... |