In order to delete one single fact, we recommend proceeding as follows: Please note! In order to delete one single fact, you can also use the procedure for deleting several facts. (1) Open the fact you want to delete in the main window. (2) Now, you have two possibilities:
(a) Click on "delete" next to the title of the fact.
(b) Click on "delete" in the options area (left column).
(3) Choose "delete" from the offered options.
(4) A confirmation page opens which allows you to check your entries.
(5) If the selected fact has several versions, you will see a list with all available versions. Choose the versions you want to delete as well by clicking in the checkboxes. (6) Click on "delete". (7) The system will inform you whether the deletion was successful.
Access to not deleted version: Versions which were not selected during the deleting process are still available on your platform. However, they are hidden which means they are not displayed. In order to access these versions, you need to know the exact infoID (see chapter "Meaning of the factID").