
mark-to-space ratio :: das Zeichen-Zwischenraum-Verhältnis
living installation display :: by AIKO
Eröffnung: 21. März 2009 20:00 Schaufensterpassage und LABfactory
Projektstart: 23. März 2009 10:00–12:00 Schaufensterpassage und online-Dokumentation
Im weiteren täglich an Werktagen:
Mo. 10:00–12:00, Di. 11:00–13:00, Mi. 12:00–14:00, Do. 13:00–15:00, Fr. 14:00–16:00.


LABfactory : display
Der Schaufensterraum der LABfactory zeigt
2009 - parallel zum perfomance projekt
>ROOMS< von nomad.theatre - Installationen
und Projekte >in progress< unter dem
programmatischen Titel:
Idee & Konzept: AIKO / Kazuko Kurosaki
performance: AIKO

Das Projekt soll und kann von "Aussen" kommentiert werden.
enter the blog
AIKO realisiert
ein weiteres Living Installation Projekt, eine Expedition in den Zwischen-Raum
mit unbestimmter Dauer.

AIKO wird den Raum permanent verändern und
täglich 2 Stunden im Schaufenster
Es werden täglich Fotos gemacht, welche
das Fortschreiten des Projekts dokumentieren.
Die Dokumentation ist hier zu sehen und mit-zu-verfolgen.
Auf diese Weise wird an der Schnittstelle verschiedener Kunstformen ein Diskursfeld eröffnet, dessen Grenzen transgressierbar und dessen Ausdehnungen modulierbar sind.

AIKO is realizing
a next Living-Installation project.
the project will be developed in progress.
AIKO will permanently manipulate the display
window and personally be inside the showcase
every day for 2 hours.
A daily documentation will be made through one picture shot per day and comments made by
the passers-by.
The photodocumentation can be seen below.
Thereby a transdisciplinary field of discussion is initiated, its borders as well as dimensions not-defined, permanently changing and shifting.
Kommunikation und Wahrnehmung der Passanten.

previous works:

daily documentation :: tägliche dokumentation  |
ab 21-03-2009 
21-03-2009 opening

Fotos: Thomas Jelinek
1.TAG :: 23-03-2009 

Fotos: Mira Turba
1. Tag
Meine Reise hat begonnen. Extrem windig, daher erschwerter Aufbau. Habe es trotzdem geschafft mich einzurichten. Es ist drinnen fast gemütlich geworden. Spannend, freue mich auf morgen.
see the blog 
2.TAG :: 24-03-2009 


Fotos: Thomas Jelinek
2. Tag
wind, wind, wind und noch kälter. die passanten gehen mit zugekniffenen augen schnell vorbei.habe gemerkt, muss schneller sichtbar werden. die idee, das schaufenster zuerst mit papier zu verpicken und tag für tag mehr zu öffnen ist gut aber ich habe mit mehr neugierde seitens der passanten gerechnet. ich wurde mit meiner eigenen scham konfrontiert. die stecknadel bahnt sich jetzt den weg durch das papier nach aussen. die einstiche führen meine bewegegungen wie blind. die reise geht noch tiefer. gut.
see the blog 
3.TAG :: 25-03-2009 

Fotos: Thomas Jelinek
3. Tag
heute habe ich etwas schönes gesehen. ein liebespaar, sie kamen in die passage nur um sich zu umarmen und sich zu küssen. sie haben nichts vom schaufenster mitbekommen. danach gingen sie sofort wieder auf die hauptstrasse zurück. noch bin ich mehr aussen als innen.
die nadel führt mich auf dem papier. stich für stich entstehen winzige löcher, wie wunden, die nie mehr verheilen...
see the blog 
4.TAG :: 26-03-2009 


Fotos: Thomas Jelinek
4. Tag
die arbeit im verborgenen. schmerz in den händen, blutende finger. beim kochen einer kraftsuppe heute morgen für meine kranke tochter habe ich mir, wieder einmal, in den finger geschnitten. bei ihrer geburt habe ich noch viel mehr blut verloren. etwas ist damals schief gelaufen. die nadelstiche erinnern mich an das genäht werden danach. und an die grosse operation später. über 50 stiche. hier sind es viel mehr. aber papier blutet nicht.
see the blog 
5.TAG :: 27-03-2009 


Fotos: Thomas Jelinek
das war die erste woche. langsam ensteht eine landschaft im schaufenster. und die aufmerksamkeit der menschen wächst. die stiche sind auch wie spuren eines insekts im schnee. immer wenn die nadel auf eine noch unberührte fläche stößt werde ich schneller, spüre ich eine freiheit,nähere ich mich einem knotenpunkt werde ich vorsichtiger, bedachter. kein tag gleicht dem anderen, kein stich dem anderen. mich fasziniert die unregelmäßigkeit im regelmäßigen. gestern hat das papier mir mehr widerstand geleistet, meine stiche wurden stärker, heute wiederum war die hand unruhiger, mehrere stiche tanzten aus der reihe. auch gut.
freue mich auf nächste woche!
see the blog 
6.TAG :: 30-03-2009 

Foto: AIKO
neuer wochenbeginn. wieder kalt. das macht das arbeiten nicht leichter, vor allem die leute gehen ob der kälte schneller vorbei. es liegt wohl auch an der uhrzeit. das macht nichts, ich wollte ja die verschiedenen zeiten ausprobieren. für mich wird die zeit kürzer, das nachbearbeiten dauert viel länger. da betrete ich wirkliches neuland für mich. mir kommt vor, als wäre ich auf zwei paralelle reisen zugleich...
see the blog 
7.TAG :: 31-03-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
es geht mir um zeit, kontinuität und um die vergänglichkeit. wie die japanischen steingärten, sandbilder oder ein mandala entsteht hier etwas. durch reduktion wird langsam sichtbar, was sich noch dahinter verbirgt. mir gefällt die farbe des papiers, sie gleicht einer eierschale. meine tochter ist immer noch krank und jetzt bin ich wirklich alleine mit meinen kindern und mit dieser arbeit. die zeit die ich hier verbringe, die ich mir nehmen muss, fehlt dort. es ist ein kontinuierliches ringen um die balance, aber das ist das leben, das ich mir gewählt habe, ein lernen bis zu meinem ende. ich komme mir manchmal wie eine füchsin vor , die ihre beute in den fuchsbau zu ihren kindern bringt, wenn ich nach meiner arbeit nachhause gehe und ihnen essen mitbringe...
see the blog 
8.TAG :: 01-04-2009 


Foto: Claudine
ich bin nicht ganz allein. einige winzige insekten leisten mir gesellschaft. passt gut zu meiner arbeit. eine mini spinne wollte sich vor meiner nase abseilen, leider konnte ich sie nicht zu einer koorperation für meine installation an der wand überreden. vielleicht braucht sie noch etwas zeit, wie ich. übrigens, die fotos hat heute Claudine für mich geschossen. Danke Claudine!
see the blog 
9.TAG :: 02-04-2009 


Foto: AIKO
heute lag ich auf der lauer. wie auf einem hochstand. mit gezückter kamera auf gucklöcher gerichtet. hat spass gemacht. die resultate könnt ihr hier sehen.
bis morgen AIKO |
see the blog 
10.TAG :: 03-04-2009 


zwei aufregende, arbeitsintensive wochen. Ich habe viel gelernt, erspürt, gesehen und einiges wird immer klarer. auf jeden fall wird diese reise noch eine weile dauern. diese arbeit braucht zeit und kontinuität. aber eine ewig dauernde kontinuität ist nicht menschlich. also habe ich beschlossen osterferien mit meinen kindern zu machen. vor allem der jüngste braucht mich. heute waren alle meine vier kinder beim schaufenster und drei davon haben die heutigen fotos gemacht. sind sie nicht schön geworden?
eine schöne zeit bis zum 15. 4.! AIKO
see the blog 
1.foto von Maari, 12j.
2.foto von Kaito, 19j.
3.foto von Auris, 5j.

11.TAG :: 15-04-2009 


Foto: Thomas Jelinek
schön, wieder da zu sein. ein kontinuum zu unterbrechen und wieder aufzunehmen bedeutet für mich kraftaufwand. es ist viel passiert in der zwischenzeit, wie ein todesfall in der familie. auch viel alltägliches für die familie, was durch dieses projekt hintangestellt, war musste gemacht werden. multitasking mit schwerpunktverlagerungen jeden tag. genauso wie im schaufenster- nadelstiche, inneninstallation, musik, licht, bewegung sollten alles in der richtigen zeit zusammenfließen. heute war es nicht leicht für mich, die bewegung weich und nicht abgehackt zu machen im engen raum, wobei die stiche linien bilden, die wiederum das gesamtbild erzeugen sollen. eine kontroversielle arbeit-heute ein kontroversieller text. trotzdem und gerade deshalb- schön, wieder da zu sein.
see the blog 
12.TAG :: 16-04-2009 


Fotos: AIKO

12. tag
rot. rot war heute meine farbe. sie gab mir kraft, denn obwohl ich mich heute so müde gefühlt habe ging die arbeit fließend und gut voran. ich nahm nur musik mit rythmen, die mir wasser, erde und luft widerspiegelten und benützte fast ausschließlich nur das rote licht. durch die musik und das rote licht kam es mir fast so vor, als wäre ich in afrika oder indien, wo es so intensive sonnenauf-und untergänge gibt wie nirgends sonst. der himmel scheint zu glühen. aus diesem gefühl heraus sind diese fotos heute entstanden, die natürlich nicht diesen bildern gleichen können, sind sie doch nur in meinem kleinen weissen schaufenster enststanden...
see the blog 
13.TAG :: 17-04-2009 


Foto: AIKO Foto: Thomas Jelinek
wieder ein freitag. wegen der feiertage war diese woche sehr kurz. heute bin ich plötzlich in das tanzen hineingekommen. alles andere wurde mir plötzlich egal. Ich weiss nicht, wie lange es gedauert hat, aber ich bin froh, dass es passiert ist. ich habe mir ein paar regeln aufgestellt. die wichtigste davon ist, im schaufenster meine sinne zu öffnen nur das zu tun, was mir intuitiv als das richtige erscheint. es ist interessant, wie die achtsamkeit auf das gesehen-werden wechselt. je mehr ich doch langsam sichtbarer werde, umso mehr gehe ich in mich und es kümmert mich nicht mehr so sehr, ob ich gesehen werde oder nicht. Ich habe auch weiter an meinen stichen gearbeitet. es kommt mir fast so vor als würde das papier doch verheilen können, manche linien sind fast nicht mehr spürbar, strange.
see the blog 
14.TAG :: 20-04-2009 



Foto: AIKO
bin sehr nachdenklich. war so in meiner arbeit versunken, dass ich gar nicht bemerkt habe, dass ich gar nicht bei dem atelierrundgang für den 2. bezirk vertreten war. schade. stellt sich die frage, wie wichtig die pr bei einer künstlerischen arbeit ist. die zeit ist nicht wie bei anderen arbeiten in zeit abgrenzbar. die zwei stunden im schaufenster allein sind es nicht. auch nicht die zeit der nachbearbeitung am computer. es ist mehr wie eine schwangerschaft. auch wenn du etwas anderes tust arbeitet es ständig in dir, wächst in dir. mir fällt es dabei immer schwer, auch noch an die vermarktung zu denken. da wäre ein team gut. aber meine arbeit geht voran. das ist das wichtigste.
see the blog 
15.TAG :: 21-04-2009 


Foto: AIKO
wie viele schritte mache ich in meinem leben? wie viele stiche auf diesem bild? ich weiss es nicht. es haben sich einstweilen so viele linien gebildet, dass sie blind nicht mehr so leicht zu verfolgen sind. die finger stoßen ständig auf kreuzungen oder verirren sich auf benachbarten linien. die leeren felder werden immer kleiner. eine ganze landkarte ist entstanden und dann werden die linien und löcher so überhand nehmen, dass sich das bild wieder in sich auflöst. gestern habe ich beschlossen, noch länger weiter zu machen. wahrscheinlich bis ende juni. wie das bild bis dahin wohl aussehen wird?
see the blog 
16.TAG :: 22-04-2009 



Foto: AIKO
dieses packpapier, auf dem ich arbeite, hat eine wunderschöne struktur. ich habe heute versucht diese feine maserung mit dem fotoaparat einzufangen, es ist mir leider nicht gelungen. manche sachen bei dieser arbeit sind leider nicht vermittelbar für die aussenstehenden. wie zum beispiel das gefühl, das ich spüre, wenn ich mit den fingern den gestochenen linien nachfahre, wie einer blindenschrift. aber wenn vielleicht manche auch nur erahnen, wie fein und tief diese arbeit geht, sich kurz eine auszeit aus ihrer täglichen hektik gönnen, ist diese arbeit gelungen.
see the blog 
17.TAG :: 23-04-2009 


Foto: AIKO
ohne die neonbeleuchtung ist die stimmung innen ganz anders. das sieht man heute auf den fotos. diese gucklöcher sind nicht in augenform. vielmehr wie tropfen oder tränen. das papier weint? oder das eis schmilzt...
see the blog 
18.TAG :: 24-04-2009 


Fotos: AIKO
heute habe ich die zeit völlig übersehen. war so vertieft in meiner arbeit, ich hätte ruhig noch ein paar stunden weitermachen können. freitag nachmittag ist die beste zeit für das schaufenster. auch mehr passanten, und sie haben mehr zeit, weil das wochenende beginnt. sogar hinter dem glas und dem papier spüre ich den eklatanten unterschied der befindlichkeiten der leute von montag vormittag und freitag nachmittag. aber das ist ein wichtiger punkt bei diesem projekt, kunst in den alltag zu bringen, noch dazu in einem schaufenster , worin sonst üblicherweise nur dinge zum kauf angeboten werden. schönes wochenende!
see the blog 
19.TAG :: 27-04-2009 


Foto: Yuka Takahashi
19th day
today Yuka was here. she is also a dancer and a friend of mine. as she is a japanese but her english is excellent, i decide to write my diary from now on bilingual. the first page in english, the blog in german. even my english is quite poor and it will be a bit more difficult for me to express myself. but anyway it will make it more easy to follow my project for all those who aren´t using german as their mothertongue. please apologize my mistakes.
see the blog 
20.TAG :: 28-04-2009 


Foto: AIKO
20th day
please welcome my new roommate! i found this light upstairs in the studio. to make different lightings is very important, it changes the whole installation. what a strange day full of contradictions, funny thoughts, serious thoughts, people starring at me even in the metro but when i wanted to be seen in the display dancing with the light, nobody there. later i was so focused making my dots that i didn´t realized that i had audience.
so, don´t take my pictures i took today too serious...
see the blog 
21.TAG :: 29-04-2009 



Fotos: Franz Sramek
21st day
in my past, i had a needlephobia but after many stays in hospital and surgeries i learned how to handle it, and now i am working every day with needles. i even was not aware of the connections of these facts. a person who knows me well told me that. also i was not a very patient person, and now my work is about long term kontinous slow development, wich effords a lot of patience. i know working creatively in art, you always do something which is very personal, but i realize my subconciousness is influencing me more than i thought, interesting.
see the blog 
22.TAG :: 30-04-2009 


Foto: AIKO
22nd day
a very windy day again. and there the wind is even stronger than somewhere else because this narrow passage is close to the donaukanal and the praterstrasse, which is straight heading the danube. this is making my entering in and out of my show window quite difficult. i have to wait for a moment more quiet to open the window and immediately hold the paper to jump in or out. the longer i work the paper gets more fragile. i hope, it will stay till the end. but i like this place, this inbetween of beeing exposed in the public and not. inside it is almost cosy and you have a feeling of safety. glass is a very strange material. fascinating how strong it isolates even it is completely transparent. and i feel it always cold, almost like ice, a border which you don´t see, but feel.
see the blog 
23.TAG :: 01-05-2009 


Foto: AIKO
23rd day
my fingers hurt, my neck is completely stiff because of holding the needle and making all those dots on the paper, sometimes in very uncomfortable positions. and even today is a holiday and i had not much sleep the whole last week, i felt like i really have to come and finish the week. i also wanted to know if people are different on holidays, but they were not. in the beginning the sun was shining, so i turned off the big neonlight. the spots were shining like stars in a milkyway. but suddenly, it got dark almost like at night and during the following heavy shower i could take this today´s pictures- my milkyway on the opposite side reflecting through the paper to the glass. beautiful.
see the blog 
24.TAG :: 04-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
24th day
i have to listen more to my body. the whole last week i was doing too much. so instead of recreating at the weekend i was completely sick. but it´s a learning for me. i had to remember myself that i am a dancer. not wanting to much by my ego, working more while listening to my body. using my body as a dancer whatever i am doing. so, today it was much better.
see the blog 
25.TAG :: 05-05-2009 



Fotos: Christian Jelinek
25th day
today Christian was here. he was taking many pictures and some videos with his camera in about an hour. i realized only the last twenty minutes that he was there, and i continued my work till the end as i decided recently not to interrupt even i recognize someone i know outside the window because i am in a kind of concentration like meditation and this the viewer can feel. so please apologize my continuing, it´s not ignorance and like this you´ll have more out this work. i have chosen five from all his pictures i like most. if you look closer, there is one, you can see a little peak of my needle and in an other one you can mayby imagine how the light is glimmering out of the very tiny holes like stars. thank you, Christian!
see the blog 
26.TAG :: 06-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
26th day
if you look closer to my stitches you will see how irregular they are. my brother would laugh at me. he is a perfectionist. me too, but in a complete different way. for me the importance is not to make perfectly even stitches, on the contrary, every single stitch is a mirrow of my condition of that moment and also the paper is reacting in a different way. yesterday i spoke to Christian afterwards about this, he told me paperstructure is is depending on the weather and the humidity of air, that´s true. even the machinemade needles are not all the same. the fascination for me is in a continuous growing of irregularities which causes a homogeneous general view like a landscape or the grain of wood...
see the blog 
27.TAG :: 07-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
27th day
my picture is growing. no more big empty spaces like sandy deserts or snow fields, but a landscape more populated with acres, paths and crosspoints. it is getting more and more difficult to follow a trail you get lost in this muddle of stitches. soon it will look more like a galaxy, this is where i want to go to. a galaxy which will dissolve itself ..
see the blog 
28.TAG :: 08-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
28th day
light is fascinating me. the pictures i took today are studies about different lightsituations, of course i coudn´t see how they look like from the outside. who wants to make such fotos? and for he first time used also my voice, now i adopt almost all my skills at the same time. by the way, today i finally could make it to take a picture of my tiny roommate. she was crawling over the paper. it was very interesting watching her, how differently she was reacting at the stitches. what is he thinking about? can you see her on the foto? have a nice weekend!
see the blog 
29.TAG :: 11-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
29th day
today it was the first day without wind in the passage. i don´t know, which week is beginning now, how many stitchtes i have done already. i just know, i am right in the middle of it now. and it´s still as exciting as in the first week. yesterday i have seen BLAU/blue by Derek Jarman again. brilliant text, but all the time i had to think how differently i would write about dying and i also would die with a different state of mind. maybe men have a complete different approach to this. women can give life, so they are also closer to death. everything comes into beeing to pass one day, the life in between is for me like the passage in which my show window is placed, a passage in the process of perishability. some pass without looking at anything, nor noticing, captured in their daily routine, others are more open, questioning more, living more the moment.
see the blog 
30.TAG :: 12-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
30th day
two pigeons are obviously nesting directly above my show window. from the second or third week on i realized it. in the beginning they were more curring, now they are tripling around busily most of the time. are they building a nest? i have seen just one sometimes. interesting, how i miss the animals, when i don´t hear or see them. apparently i seem to build up a stronger relation to them than to the pedestrians, who also are repeating.
see the blog 
31.TAG :: 13-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
31st day
now it seems clear to me that i will complete a whole season. as i started beginning of spring, i think, it is right to finish at the beginning of summer. afterwards, there will be a final event, but i will write about this later...
see the blog 
32.TAG :: 14-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
32nd day
it´s not this tight in this show window. i would like to work once in a real tiny display. sure, my movements and my postures must fit into the space i´ve got and some of the positions are really not very komfortable. but a dancer´s body always has to coop with the space he´s got. i am fully aware of the fact that the spectator will have other associations like claustrophobia and melancholy. it´s a play with beeing locked in/out, beeing exposed and displayed but although secured, even hidden behind the paper. interesting, how different the feelings are in front or behind the glass, there is only such a minimal distance..
see the blog 
33.TAG :: 15-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
33rd day
pinpricks are these the many, many tiny stitches, the harms of the daily life, which hollows out the love, makes the heart bleeding, until it dissolves itself one day and you think, you can´t feel anything more? or aren´t these much more the daily little things, the steps you do, to nourish the life, the love?
see the blog 
34.TAG :: 18-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
34th day
now, as i set a time frame, i automaticly start thinking in a different way. will it be finished on time, do i have to be more quickly, etc.,etc...should i try to repress this, or not? never mind, in this project, there is no right or wrong and this is good. i will go on with the same enthusiasm as ever...
see the blog 
35.TAG :: 19-05-2009 



Fotos: Thomas Jelinek
35th day
i have really dreamt to put his paper behind the glass, as well as about the first spyhole. obviously, my subconcious mind was dealing with the beeing exposed and suggested me this protecting material. i´m thankful for this, it works. even sometimes i become impatient of beeing so hidden still, but sometimes i´m glad. however, this dream definetly modified my whole concept. i´m curious, how it would have been without the paper. maybe next time...
see the blog 
36.TAG :: 20-05-2009 



Foto: AIKO Foto: Bernadette Stummer
36rd day
the paper starts to rip. i have to be more careful. i´ve already given up to work without glasses, only by feelings it would be just a chaos. the lines i could follow in the beginning like a braille are so compact now that i get lost like in a jungle. when the weather is fine like today, i sometimes egoistically switch off all the lights, it´s too seductive, the entries are sparkling and the interior room is painted with beautiful lights. as beautiful as driving at fullmoon in the mountains without spotlights... but not as dangerous.
see the blog 
37.TAG :: 21-05-2009 


Foto: AIKO
37th day
crisis-doubt-insecurity. they appear over and over again. it´s interesting how those conditions come unattended, how thin the shift of self-confidence is, although you are so convinced about the case. but by and by i´ve also learned to deal with them, even to appreciate them, they help me to reflect myself and my work, to question and to work on myself. the fact that i can admit so, shows that i´m already stronger. and i´ll go on.
see the blog 
38.TAG :: 22-05-2009 


Fotos: AIKO 
38th day
the day after the crisis. radical different energie. no comment. just pictures today.
see the blog 
39.TAG :: 25-05-2009 


Foto: AIKO
39th day
with the seasons the lighting conditions are changing a lot. the pictures i took today are showing the reflexion of the sun from a window at the other side of the mainstreet. too bad, that it´s only me who can see this, the pictures can´t show the whole intensity.
see the blog 
40.TAG :: 26-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
40th day
it´s nice that i can take so much time. i´m very thankful for the circumstances which makes it possible. everybody running hestically behind their buisness, for me time seems to have a different pace. this pilot project was planned as an expedition with open end. later on, in an other space, it won´t be possible to be so unlimited with the period anymore. i also want to express my gratefulness to the people who accompanied and supported me from the very beginning. above all i appreciate the wonderful comments in the blog. you are right, Claudine, it´s my tiny palace, as well as a prison, in some items they are very similar and Christian, your comments become more and more poetic, express in a better way, than i ever could do by myself. Thank you!
see the blog 
41.TAG :: 27-05-2009 


Fotos: AIKO
41st day
once again i failed to be finished with my post-processing before midnight. sometimes i wish i could have more hands, arms, legs and the day wouldn´t be so short. today, my husband went for a longer journey again, my two daughters had dress rehearsal and dance performance, i had to look after my youngest, i was teaching and doing my display project. most of the days i get up at quarter to seven and very often my day finishes not before one, two o´clock sometimes even much later. i can´t complain about boredom, my life is rich and full. but when i get too tired, i make mistakes, like today, i forgot my camera, so i took the pictures at night from outside. by the way, at night, when it´s dark outside, you can see the paper much better. and anyway, i wanted to take a night foto again to see the development of the picture.
see the blog 
42.TAG :: 28-05-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
42nd day
i´v got a present. a souvenir from india, Paul, a student of mine, gave it to me. it´s a little hand mirror, very colourful with many tiny splints of mirror and flowers. just the right contrast to my mainly white show window except my yellow manikin light, of course. a mirror for self reflection, but also good for the spy holes, from now on, if somebody looks inside, he´ll maybe discover not only me but his own eye. i´ve noticed that, if i see only the eye, i often can´t recognize the person who it belongs to, even i know this person very well. one day, three women, i know well, did look inside, i noticed only one and ´til today i can´t tell to whom it belongs. the eye itself also has very often a complete different expression than the entire person. very interesting.
see the blog 
43.TAG :: 29-05-2009 


43rd day
this expedition is quite solitary. i do almost everything by myself. but actually i need a team.. people go, new people come. during a working process you learn to know people better, like during a travel. and this is both at the same time. today just pictures – by Martina Novak. from now on she will help me. welcome!
see the blog 

Fotos: Martina Novak
44.TAG :: 02-06-2009 


Fotos: AIKO
44th day
4 is my mumber. double 4 should be celebrated. in japan you don´t celebrate the round numbers, but the doubles. before, i didn´t like the even numbers or anything symmetrical. furthermore in japanese 4 means yon or shi and shi means also death and this i didn´t like at all. but now, as i´ve accepted that life and death belong together, the number 4 suits me. nevertheless, today i had to fight with myself, not to stay home with my kids, they´ve still no school today. and i hit on my limits, needed two treatments, to be able to go on, although i´m still exhausted. it´s not the two hours in the display, it´s the postproduction work, the all around, the family and my lack of sleep since such a long time. but good, that i was here. Anna, a former student of mine, who is living now in berlin, came to visit me, unexpected. you can see very interesting pictures she took today in the blog.
see the blog 
45.TAG :: 03-06-2009 


Fotos: AIKO
45th day
today several people were watching, i conciously didn´t check up if i know them or not. strange feeling. to look through the spy-holes they come very close to me, i never had the audience so close to me. only separeted by the window pane, they can directly look at my stomach or other parts of my body. but i can´t feel them, very often, i even don´t realize them, because the glass stays always cool and i can neither hear nor smell them. and contrariwise also. what i feel, they can´t feel, what they feel, i can´t feel. i am used to work directly communicating with the energy i get from the audience, this is not possible here, a big challenge. and as i was told, they do feel something very well. wonderful.
see the blog 
46.TAG :: 04-06-2009 


Foto: AIKO
46th day
today just a brief note. Auris and Maari, two of my kids, are playing in a concert. i have to look after them. tomorrow more.
see the blog 
47.TAG :: 05-06-2009 


Fotos: Claudia Held
47th day
today Claudia Held, she is also a dancer, came to see me, she will also participate at the summer event, afterwards we had a very motivating talk. she took the pictures today. fascinating, how differently each one make photographs, the same motive, with the same camera...
see the blog 
48.TAG :: 08-06-2009 


Foto: AIKO
48th day
begin of the next to last week. the last two weeks before birth are very exciting and also hard. on one hand it´s getting tight, you want already out, but on the other hand more anxieties come up. today i felt like this. only this time i´m child and mother at the same time. temporarely i had to fight not to break through the paper ahead the time, was bothered by doubts if i shouldn´t be already much more tranparent. maybe the time pressure is caused of the verbal comments of three of my friends i met yesterday at the birthday party of my son. all three are positiv to me and my project but one mentioned something about disguise, another asked me when i will have a project with more dance and one told me to hurry up more to be more transparent. well, i mastered myself today and went on with my usual insistence. just one line i added to another which i did several time ago and which seemed to be too straight for me. long time i didn´t know why i did this line, now i know. i don´t like windows without cross beams, they are like eyes without pupils. i like windows inside windows. therefore these lines.
see the blog 
49.TAG :: 09-06-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
49th day
farewell from my palace of ice. the skinning has begun. yesterday i was still hesitating, the whole day i was thinking about this. because of the kids and other appointments i had to finish my post production work at night, there i had more time. for the first time i could read everything in peace, correct some typing errors, talk on the phone with my husband who is yet not here, but at least in the same country again, discuss many things and i got to the point that it is right to reduce the paper more rigorous from now on. it hurts me almost physically, i like my landscape and i think it´s a pity to break this restrained aesthetics. but to let go is also an important theme. and now there is no way back.
see the blog 
50.TAG :: 10-06-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
50th day
a small sight of my ´backstage-chaos´. and this is only my minimal-project. now try to imagine the cabel- spaghetti in a bigger project. we really are living luxurious. yet. now, as i´ve started removing larger pieces of paper, i´m even enjoying it. the pictures today are showing that the glas-pane is now also reflecting more.
see the blog 
51.TAG :: 12-06-2009 


Fotos: AIKO
51st day
the end of the week before last. i´ve noticed, how the people take this whole thing for granted. or you could even say, negate this. some greet friendly, as they see me climbing constantly in and out of the show window for such a long time. i´ve no idea if they like this project or not. maybe they take the title ´no comment´ litterally, only few pedestrians spoke to me yet. funny how also i do and take everything more and more for granted, although it still is exciting for me every day.
see the blog 
52.TAG :: 15-06-2009 



Fotos: AIKO
52nd day
beginning of the final week. today is also the sixth birthday of my youngest son, Auris. Maari is twelve, Kaira will be fourteen in two weeks and Kaito twenty in the beginning of august. they are all very different but wonderful and i´m so proud of them. at this point i want to thank them, not only because they cooperate with the work at home, without it i wouldn´t have been able to work on such a time-consuming project, but also for the strengths and power they are giving me through experience, which i´d have never achieved without them.
see the blog 
53.TAG :: 16-06-2009 


53rd day
to make this paper really transparent, i´d have to go on couples of months more. i underestimated the size of the paper. sometimes i try to estimate the amount of the punctures, it´s impossible. today was a difficult day. tired, sickness, the feeling of not being able to make myself understandable, everything seems to be shifted, abundant. this atmosphere is probably caused by this muggy air...also the peole around me, the children, even the animals are different, or do i perceive them differently? only some pictures i took today gives me the sense of freshness and pureness, the stitches look like water drops the paper like ice...
see the blog 
54.TAG :: 17-06-2009 


Fotos: AIKO
54th day
the dress transforms into the skin of a snake. the asphalt gets the value of a piece of art, with light and a change of the angle of view you suddenly find an other univers. it´s the structure which is in everything even in the very common stuff, you usually ignore completely. even in machine made things there is a irregularity in the regularity. i know, this i wrote already. but i didn´t write about how esthetic and beautiful the world suddenly can be, how you can win more lust for life, only you have to take time and get the right view for it. it´s easy, it doesn´t take much time, one click, one unthinking, and and you are there.
see the blog 
55.TAG :: 18-06-2009 


Foto:W.K.Eggerth Foto:AIKO
55th day
this is the only time, i failed to finish the postproduction work on the same day, even sometimes it was already after midnight, for many reasons, but the main reason was a technical one. sorry for this delay. primaly, i wanted to write only about the end which is always also a beginning and about time and for the last day i intended to put only a short poem i wrote long time before, because i didn´t want too many words in the end. but in these last two days happened so much that i have to tell. Walter K. Eggerth, he is leading a contactimprovisation group called Vimprodaco was here with Roland, a member of it and did a spontanious photo, film and performing action in front of my show window. it was funny, and suddenly i felt completely different inside the show window. I had associations like beeing inside a shrine, or the grot of lourdes, than again like rapunzel in the fairy tale. We also had an exchange of fire with our cameras, some of the results i show you here.
see the blog 
56.TAG :: 19-06-2009 


Fotos:Magda Loitzenbauer
56th day
the starting of the last day was quite strange. there were to guys hanging around so i didn´t feel like entering the show window in front of them. later i figured out, they´ve been only two street musicians, who have just chosen this corner of this passage to play. later on Magda took a picture of them in the mirroring of the glass of the elevator of the underground. Magda was already here for the third time. this time to take photos. she really took interesting pictures. first from the outside, then spontaneously i asked her to come inside. until now nobody was joining me inside the show window. it was a quite peculiar feeling for me but it fitted for the last day. and the pictures she took inside are great. Walter also came again. this time with Angela, another member of the company. he fixed a camera, put a cover on the floor in front of the show window and then they did a contactimpro-jam there. the reactions of the people were very interesting. anyway, Viennese are very discreet and reserved. i continued my work. only removing the last paper bar something kept me back. it would have been like a closing and this work can be only finished if you take off the whole paper and this will be on the 4th of july. ´til then it should stay there as unfinished as it is now. instead of an ending with poetry or with bars i´ll put pictures of this incomplete part of the paper with different camera and light settings on this web page. so, this is now the last diary item of this really intensive journey. i´ve seen a lot and learned a lot and it´s not over yet at all. now i´ll take care of the preparations and rehearsals of the ´fest´, it will be a wonderful event, i´m looking forward to it. later on there will be a post-postproduction, maybe a book. i also want to continue this work in an other display, maybe in other countries. of course i´ll not do the same, it will be adapted to the conditions there, there´s still so much to learn... thanks for all who supported and accompanied me and thank you for your attention!
see the blog 


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