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Get an overview of our current research projects:
DynamOnt (Dynamic Ontology) is a joint research project of factline Webservices Ltd., ProCom Strasser, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft Ltd., IFS Information & Software Engineering Group, FAW Hagenberg (Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing) and Department of Philosophy of Science of the University of Vienna.
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Food & Fecundity Pharmaceutical products in the environment: Development and employment of novel methods for assessing their origin, fate and effects on human fecundity.
Zielleitung "Zielleitung" is a new generation of guidance systems especially devised for the tourism sector. Information exchange takes place via mobile phones which makes the system extremely flexible. In the course of the project, a voice-operated IVR-(Interactive Voice Response)platform will be developed. The platform is intended to assist unexperienced travellers. factline is responsible for network management as well as the dissemination of project results.
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AG Gender Communication The project deals with the many aspects of the topic "gender-appropriate web-based network communication". The goal is to create gender-appropriate conditions for scientific online communication.
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NETWEIs for SME New and Emerging Technologies - methods of identification and implementation for SMEs NETWEIs for SMEs is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour. The main beneficiaries of the project are small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). In the course of the project, a new consulting model will be developed. The consulting model is aimed at developing and testing new methods of identification and implementation of future technologies and knowledge areas in SMEs. factline provides an information and communication platform for the project and is responsible for the dissemination of project results. Moreover, factline is in charge of the technical realisation of e-learning modules which are developed in the course of the project.
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viwiKom - virtual scientific communication platforms The project viwikom, which started in the winter of 2003, is a cooperation between the Institute for Communication Science (Prof. Dr. Roland Burkart) and factline.
KEX - Knowledge Experts The goal of the project is to develop two training courses for the occupational profiles "knowledge expert" and "e-tutor" based on the method of blended-learning. factline provides its know-how and develops a strategy for the use of the new factline e-portfolio in the two training courses.
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