After you have logged in, you will see a "Settings"-button (usually on the right
side of the menu bar). All personal data is specified in the settings.
If you click on
"Settings", you will be directed to an overview page. The overview page
shows you a summary of your personal data and tells you to which user
groups you belong.
In the so-called "options area" (left column) you see the "settings-box".
At present, there are five areas.
1. personal information settings
All data in the personal settings can be viewed in your user
profile (except password!). Access to the user profile is possible by clicking on your
name in the metainfo of a fact.
a. personal information
Here you can change your name, birth date, e-mail address, image,...
> ping messages
Moreover, you can determine whether you want to receive ping messages.
> preferred editor
In addition, you can decide whether you want to use a text editor by default (e.g. epoz-facttext).
> instant messenger
Finally, you can indicate which instant messengers (e.g. ICQ, Skype,
Yahoo, MSN,...) you use. Click on "add messenger". Choose the
respective instant messenger from the drop-down menu and insert your
user data (e.g. ICQ number, Skype name,...).
Moreover, you can determine whether you want to receive ping messages
from other users. In addition, you can specify which text input mode
(plain text, text editor) you want to use by default.
b. address
Here you can enter your address.
c. telephone
Here you can enter your telephone number.
d. Password
In the fourth area you can change your password. Type in your old
password once and your new password twice. Finally, click on "change"
to save your new password. Please note, that the system only checks the
first eight letters of a password. Your password, may consist of more
than eight letters, of course.
2. Notification
In the fifth area you can request and define the details of an
automatic e-mail report on changes made on your platform (see chapter
on "automatic e-mail notification").
All settings are saved by clicking on the "submit"-button.