performance :: dance :: installation :
Yuka Takahashi (J)
at the LABfactory opening

>HATCH< is a solowork by Yuka Takahashi switching between installation and performance.
... a performance on the constant borderline of privacy and public presence permanently playing with the audiende involving the people making them crossing the line between public performer and private spectator several times to finally become a public installation.
HATCH is visualizing the thin line dividing the imagination of privacy and the abstract idea of publicity and freedom by breaking out of the dark. The intimate atmosphere in the end turning the performance space into a video-installation, which has to be triggerd by movements of the audience to work and become visible.
Sound: Andreas Wiesbauer (B.O.S.)

concept and dance / performance: Yuka Takahashi
sound: Andreas Wiesbauer
Yuka Takahashi
coaching: Kazuko Kurosaki
dramaturgic consultant: Thomas J. Jelinek
