this project is realized with the support of:
Estonian Cultural Endowment
Foreign Ministry of Estonian Republic
Centre for Contemporary Arts , Estonia
Municipal Department for Culture of the City of Vienna

>Kinematic Mysterium< is part of >underground city 21> programme which has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
>Kinematic Mysterium<
Since 2005 i have been working with simpliest form of interaction between object and subject – dilaogue. During last year i have started to research more complicated form of communication, which can be called trialogue. Trialogue is not situation where just three persons are having conversation, because in this kind of situation the schema of communication is still dialogue, which consists of subject who is speaking and object (might include more than one person) who is listening. In trialogue communication between object and subect in not possible without „help“ of third member (medium), who is not participating in communication itself. In July 2009 i continued with this topic and in big performance „Kinematic mysterium“. It needed at least 8 persons to interact with the system at the same time to vitalize it. But there is one more important moment - instructions. Usually in exhibitions we can see texts in white A4 on the wall next to interactive artpieces which describe very precisely how spectator must act to launch the object. For me it seemed too banal and therefore i added schemas and ciphertexts which had to be resolved to get information HOW to interact with system. In Vienna i would like to continue with my „human experiments“ in the same direction: need of temporary cooperation between spectators to interact and launch kinematic system according to solvation of ciphertexts.
Erik Alalooga