Начало > Директории > English > 7.5 > Beginner > Create a folder - step 3
Съществува нова версия на този факт. (разгл.)
Create a folder - step 3
Regard - this is a beta-version and has not been officially released yet!


Click onto "Permissions" and you can assign the users of the platform with either the right to see this folder,

to work on it and to write in it. Use the checkboxes to fix your decision. (with another click on "Permissions"

the checkbox-list closes)



Step3_howto - 1120287.5


<< Step 2 | Step 4 >> 


Автор: Claudia Kasper; Авторско право: factline Webservices GmbH; Публикиван от: factline Webservices GmbH (factline)
InfoID: 1123540.2 (...версии); публикуван на: 24 Sep. 2007 12:16
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